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Living Your Best Life: How to Achieve Your Dream Lifestyle

Are you no longer happy with just getting by? Do you want more from life? If so, then you need

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3 Simple Ways to Modernise Your Home

Changes are always being made to home design, and what was once considered top of the range can soon become

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How to Design a Timeless Home

Photo Credit: Pexels Designing a timeless home is all about understanding, not just the designs that have withstood the test

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What Happens If a Sibling Contests a Will?

If your sibling feels unhappy or disappointed by the outcome of the will, or if they feel the will has

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How to manage debt while living in Morecambe

Summer is here and the beauty of Morecambe is starting to shine. As a kid I never remembered the place

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Economy Down, Debt Up! A Personal Story

In these difficult economic times, I found myself working to pay the bills and still getting slowly into more debt.

Local History, Personal Stories

Private White V.C. – Made in Manchester

Just over the Pennines, in 1896, a genuine northern hero and true English gentleman was born in Jack White –

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How to Prepare for University Life

Every fall thousands of students begin their preparation for university life. Those who are new to living away from home

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Mort Allan

  A gentleman by the name of John Howarth recently contacted me about making a special place on for

Featured, Morecambe News, Personal Stories

Pets dumped in recycling bins in Torrisholme

This is one of the sickest things I read recently in The Visitor. Rabbits, kittens and a guinea pig being
