The teen years are a time of stress, learning, and growth. Understandably, teens can sometimes have trouble socializing with adults or other teens their age. Sometimes, it’s because they don’t know what to say; other times, it can be because they feel ignored by their peers. However, there are times when a teen may intentionally act antisocially.
Whatever the reason, there are things you can do to help the situation.
1) Don’t escalate the situation
If you have a group of teens causing a nuisance in your area, avoid confronting them directly. Instead, try talking calmly to the teens. Let them know you’re aware they’re bothering others and ask them to stay out of your way or at least move to a more discreet area.
If you are ignored, don’t escalate the situation. There is a high chance that they are looking for a reaction; don’t reward them by losing your temper. There is a solution available that will avoid confrontation: the mosquito device emits a high-frequency noise that only children and teens can hear. The noise they hear is an irritant that discourages the teens from loitering in a particular area.
2) Ignore them; don’t be an instigator
If you don’t want to speak to the teens directly, you can also ignore them. Teens looking for a reaction will try to make you angry, and they may use language or gestures that offend you. They may even challenge or attack you if they think they can get away with it. However, if you keep your cool and let them know that they’re not going to win this battle, they may give up and go away.
3) Be patient and keep your emotions in check
Getting angry and reacting emotionally is understandable when a group of teens has been trying to disrupt your day. However, you should refrain from doing so. Your goal is to talk calmly and keep your cool. If the teens are causing a disturbance, you have the right to ask them to leave. If they don’t listen and ignore you, remind them of their legal responsibilities as a citizen of their country and how they’re setting a bad example for others.
4) Be assertive about your rights
Your teens may try to assert their personality or dominance over you. They may taunt or challenge your authority to get what they want or feel entitled to. You do not need to accept this behavior as normal for teenagers and young adults.
You should always remember that teenagers and young adults need your help and guidance. If they’re behaving in an antisocial way, do not react negatively to them. They are not respecting the right of others to enjoy their time in the space. Instead, try to talk to the teens politely and let them know that their behavior is unacceptable.
If you feel intimidated by them, try asking someone to help you. The young teens themselves may not be aware that they are causing problems, but they may appreciate a schoolteacher or police officer who lets them know that their behavior is not acceptable.
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