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Morecambe Sport

Why Morecambe will be ready to defy the odds when their big day arrives

As a small town with a population of just over 40,000, you wouldn’t say there’s much that makes Morecambe stand

Morecambe Sport

The Shrimps to Avoid Relegation from League Two – According to Football Manager, Anyway

As supporters of a financially unstable lower league club, Morecambe fans will have taken little pleasure in the demise of

Morecambe News, Morecambe Sport

How Will the North West’s Premier League Quintet Fare in 2020?

We’re just beyond the midway point of the 2019-20 season, with plenty still to play for amongst our most local

Featured, Morecambe Sport

Gillingham 2-1 Morecambe

Deon Burton's goal in stoppage-time hurts Morecambe and sends Gillingham seven points clear at the top of League Two. Burton

Morecambe News, Morecambe Sport

Morecambe 0-5 Gillingham

Morecambe, Morecambe, Morecambe... (Morecambe, Morecambe...) I'm not sure how it happened, but you got destroyed. Next time please eat your
