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On Your Bike Barnados

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Article source: The Citizen

Fundraising motorcyclists travel the globe for Barnardos

It’s reported that more than 50 local people joined Morecambe pair Kurtis Murphey and David Snelling as they rode from Devil’s Bridge to the Eric Morecambe statue. But that’s not been their entire journey.

They journeyed for 100 days across Europe, Asia, the USA and Canada in a bid to raise more than £10,000 for Barnardos.

“We have been to some great places but one thing the trip has made me realise is that Morecambe is a fabulous place to live. After the trip it looks much nicer than I remember it.”

– Kurtis Murphey told The Citizen

To donate to this very worthy cause visit you’ll also find a day by day log of their experiences on this amazing adventure

To read the full original article visit The Citizen

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