Thanks for visiting the online community for Morecambe.
If you are seeing this message then below is the old Morecambe website.
This will be under construction for the next few months so do check back and keep an eye on our homepage for the latest changes.

Stories by you - why not send yours in!

Stories at their best. If you want to be seen as an author then this is the site for you.
Here are a few short stories for you to enjoy

Look at the Harry Potter collection


Indulge some of the
writers who are waiting
for a lucky brake!

email your stories to us  

Swap the van for a couple of horses! The Paint Job 
House make-over gone wrong!
J R B Kerr
For the Romantics
out there
On the Edge of a Sword 
A Love Story
Donna Kay Rock
Romance Sicilian Silk 
A short story of a remote farm with a mysterious visitor.
Daisy Duncan
Just for Laughs My Day Out at Morecambe
A letter from an 8 year old with pictures
Crime of Colour Lucky 13
A sad but true story of prejudice. What colour are you?
Viet -Cong Sue
A Living Nightmare! Luxury Bed of our Dreams!
A bedtime story with a well sprung mattress and silk sheets!

TOP STORY! Gauranteed to wake you up!

Morecambe Morecambe 
A beautiful View
Keith Bradshaw
Family My Grandson 
The joy of children (parts 1 & 2)
Denise Issott

George has sent us many stories and managed to get a books published
A Best Seller ! Quick Killer - A Tail of Sin from
George H. Lafferty
Boo! Campground Killer
Be afraid, be very afraid!
George H. Lafferty
Run away! Bounty - Go get 'em! from
George H. Lafferty
A Thriller.

(Not for the fainthearted) 

For Ages 15
& Over Only

Escape By Mind

A disturbing story, set in the future.

George H. Lafferty
It'll put the wind
up you!
Storm Killer
Stay inside and lock your doors
George H. Lafferty
George is getting soft, it mus be Linda! TREE DWELLERS "A Tree Story" is a delightful little Childrens fantasy from
George H. Lafferty
& Linda Bunch
Don't Shoot!  Gunfight at Harshaw - Ride 'em cowboy! from
George H. Lafferty
Shoot! Kid Irish (Apache Bullets) - Head 'em up and mooove 'em out! from
George H. Lafferty
Missed!  Fargo's Stake - medium rare! from
George H. Lafferty
George has a 4 book out so there's hope for everyone!

Here are 3 of them

Well done George
With suport from his wonderful wife Linda "Bunch" Lafferty George is back after a open heart surgery. (The things people will do to get off work for a few weeks!)

Disputed Planet

Fingers on the triggers!

George H. Lafferty

Splash! A Day At The Beach
A rude story for over 18's only. If you're easily offended don't read it.
A Reader


Anyone can write and be published, look at J.K Rowlin, if she can do it, you can.

The complete Harry Potter collection on book and DVD 


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