Thanks for visiting the online community for Morecambe.
If you are seeing this message then below is the old Morecambe website.
This will be under construction for the next few months so do check back and keep an eye on our homepage for the latest changes.

Private Investigation!
Find The Missing Link!

Because of the interest shown on our 'Visitors Book' for finding someone you love, this page is dedicated to...

This is your chance to be a 'Private Investigator'.

You CAN Make a Difference!

There are people below who are looking for lost friends and family and with your help we might be able to help them.

Firstly you could try:

Always a good places to start, but if you're good, I mean really good you can delve deeper...

You CAN Make a Difference!

If you think you have found something of use to one of our searches then please e-mail your findings to us at or to e-mail address of the person you want to help.

If you are looking for someone then please send as much information as possible for us to display on this page. We can't promise anything but we will do are best.

If you change your email please let us know, because we have had some people find the person you are looking for but can't get intouch with you because you've changed your email, so we're back to square one and that's very poor, very poor indeed!

I live in Canada and am searching for information on Frederick WEARING, a brother of my late paternal grandfather. Frederick was born at Enstone Oxfordshire about 1877, the son of Thomas and Sally WEARING. In 1947, when my grandfather died, Frederick was living at 13 Scott Grove, Morecambe. A late uncle told me that Frederick's wife's name was Leena and that they had six children, the eldest Tom, the youngest Gordon. Frederick worked for the Refuge Assurance Company (now part of United Assurance Group PLC).

That is all that I know about Frederick and his family. If anyone has any further information, please contact me, Mike Wearing, at

Hi, I'm looking for an old school mate Toni. Her parents came down to Zimbabwe on an expat teacher program. Her mum Carol worked in the library at Mutare Girls High, and her step-dad Steve was a teacher at Mutare Boys' High School. We were in form 1 and 2 together in the years of 1987/88 and lost touch soon after they returned to the UK. We managed to resume correspondence when I visited UK on holiday but AGAIN lost touch. We were good classmates and hungout with the likes of Tania & Lara Werrett, Jenny Knight, Halima Seckam. If ANYONE knows Toni please ask her to contact me, for old times sake! Lindsay Yon.

Hi Lindsay, a surname for Toni would have been nice!

Two years ago de did meet Walter and Jean Halliwell on a campsite in Sottomarina ( Italy ).
Unfortunately we lost their address, and this year they wrote us a Christmascard, just with their best wishes and their names, but no address.

We know that they live in the region of the Bay of Morecambe, that they must be about 70/75 years of age, that their youngest daughetr got married last august, and that they went to France for holidays. They are always travelling with their caravan. Who can help us to refind our friends ?

Marc and Nicole - Belgium. 

Thank you very much in advance,

Eileen Sykes -

We are looking for David Sykes whose birthday is 27th October and whose father was William Sykes. We don't know the year he was born but it must have been after 1934.

The last known address for William Sykes was 181 Lancaster Road, Morecambe, in a letter he wrote to his older son Harold, who is my husband's father. In that letter he mentioned his son David and we would love to contact him.

William Sykes divorced Jennie Sykes in 1934, after which he moved to Morecambe and Jennie moved to Bournemouth. My husband's name is Alan. If it helps, William came from Burnley.

Many thanks for your help.

Les Wilson -

I lost touch with my cousin Jean Black several years ago soon after her move to Tenerife.Last known address is 19/5 Chayafita, Costa Del Silencio, Tenerife. She previously lived for many years in Tamworth Staffs at Rene Road. She would be about 70 years of age and has a son and daughter, or two sons. Her husband's name was Ron. Her second marriage was to Arthur Black a few years before moving to Tenerife. Her parents were George and Hilda Spriggs previously of Wellington Street,Winson Green. Birmingham. If anyone has any information it would be much appreciated. Les Wilson

Rosemary Whitwham - St HELENS - e-mail : wHITWHAR@EDGEHILL.AC.UK

Family History Research. I am looking for information on my great grandfather Thomas Clague who lived in Lancaster. My gandmother was born in Lancaster (Ida Clague) and lived at Clarendon Street for a while. She was a Miliner before she married my grandfather Walter William Spruce (policeman, based at Lancaster). Any help would be appreciated.

I understand Thomas was a stone mason.

Jen Baker

I am afraid this is all the information we have: Name: Philippe
Age: (Approx) 70

Born: In Mauritius Lived around Northampton about 1986. Height: abt 6foot

Distinguishing features, is black but relatively light-skinned. ANY information would be gladly welcomed please e-mail back soon...Daniel

Malcolm Allen - e-mail :

I am compiling the history of one of the WOODHOUSE fishing families and looking for anyone who can supply information on the following,

My Great Grandparents were WILLIAM and ANN. They had a large family,including my Grandmother Ellen.She was married to a soldier (Harold Allen) who was killed in action on the Somme 1/7/1916.

William and Ann lived on Edward Street up to his death in 1928 and Ann resided in Woodhill Lane up to her death in 1943.My late father (JOHN ALLEN) lived with his grandparents from 1922 up to 1940

William was a well fisherman and hoping that someone may have knowledge or even a photograph of them or their family

Many Thanks

Gillian Taylor Shaw

Hi Morecambe

I have been trying to carry out work on my family ancestors and we have a stumbling block, my great great great grandfather has listed on the 1871 British Census records that he was born in Morecambe Bay on the census he said he was 57 making his birth 1814, but on the 1881 census he said he was 71 years old this makes him born in 1810 and when he died in 1889 he was recorded as being 81 years old when he died making his birth year 1808.

Name: James YOUNG
Born: 1808 -1814
Occupation: Tanner

James YOUNG was a very successful person he owned a Leather Tannery business making all types of belts for woollen and paper industry, it is believed that he learnt this trade whilst in the Morecambe area, was there a Leather Tannery business in the area?

Where can I find any details on births around this time? since the Births, Marriage and Death records only have details from 1837 onwards

He moved to Manchester and had at least two sons that we know, James YOUNG jnr born 1845/6 and William YOUNG born 1850 he was married to Eliza but we have no maiden name.

Any help with gaining information on births in Morecambe or a Leather Tannery or any other YOUNG families from these parts would be very much appreciated.



Edward Eric Fowler Grissell
Silver Spring, MD 20905 email: -

I am searching for information about my aunt, her son, and my father. Based on old letters, my aunt lived in Morecambe in 1946 (and earlier, I think) apparently until she left in the mid 1950’s. Her maiden name was Agnes Fowler, but she was married to Jack Rowe and had a son, Alan Rowe, born 27 October 1944 (possibly in Morecambe). She remarried in 1955 to a man named Chandler, then emigrated to Rhodesia. Her brother, Eric Edward Fowler, was my father a member of the RAF who apparently perished in a plane crash while on duty in late 1945. It is possible that other members of the Fowler family lived (or live) in

Morecambe. We lost contact with my aunt in 1966 apparently due to political problems in Rhodesia.

I figure Alan Chandler would have gone to grammar school in the Morecambe area, and perhaps one of his classmates might remember something, or maybe even still be in contact. It's a long shot, I know, but any information would be appreciated.

mark cole - carlisle, cumbria
- email:

i am trying to trace a lady by the name of lynne and her maiden name is woodrow i think she lives in fleetwood and her married name could be millar if anybody knows her or might know of her whereabouts please get in touch with me

john cartwright, america
- e-mail : wendtbaby22'

I am looking for my friend neil chalenor its john cartwright and would like him to know about my life and me about his

Dear Searchers,

I stumbled across your website and I recognise the anguish at not being able to find a loved one.

I am currently searching for my biological mother (Carol Anne Beevers). She left my father (Byron Harry Asquith) when I was just a couple of months old and some time after married a Phillip Oldman while still living in Scarborough, East Yorkshire. I heard that they were later divorced and that currently Carol Anne runs a cafe somewhere in Scarborough. I am now living in Canada and am finding it very difficult to access the necessary information.

I was born, Richard Asquith in Seamer on June 1st 1968, Scarborough and have an older brother, Ian (born July 22nd 1966) who also remembers nothing about our mother.

I would love to just be able to let her know that she has grandchildren and that I know how hard life can get sometimes. Having been divorced myself, I have no wish to make any judgements as to what happened 35 years ago. Could anyone in the area please help????

Thank you very much


R D Asquith

Pam Woolle has some information for you Richard
so if you get in touch I will giveee you her email.


Glenda, Anne has found her for you and Sheila is quite excited about speaking to you again. BUT NOW WE'VE LOST YOU! Could you email me your current email address so that I can pass it on and the world will be a happier place. Thanks. Peter

Jennifer Babington on

I am trying to contact my uncle named Andrew Tudhope Babington. He was born on the 14th May 1946 in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland. He disappeared around 32 years ago after an argument with his father and has never returned. He was last heard of in the Leicester area although could well have moved on. I know my father would love to meet his brother again so I'm searching for him on his behalf.

Many thanks for any help

Rosy Palmer - liverpool - e-mail :

I am trying to trace my long lost friend we used to live in a childrens home together in the craig home for children in bare and now i have moved to liverpool Birkenhead his name is CHRISTOPHER JOHN ANDERTON we fell in love back in 1983 and im wondering where in the bazers are you if n e 1 knows please reply on this signing book i need to speak to him if n e 1 knows please get back.

Lisa Marrs - Isle of Wight

This is such a lovely idea, I am thinking of finding my father and your tips showed me how. Thank you for caring.

You're welcome Lisa

I am 51, married, with a wonderful wife, 4 daughters and a grand daughter. I am lucky. I was adopted when i was 5 and want to find my birth mother so very much

thought the site was brilliant.

i'm starting my family tree and hope to have some luck. my fathers side of the family all came from county clare Ireland . it's a long shot but if anyone has info of Doherty's from co clare please let me know.

Leah M Nichols - US
- e-mail :

comments : I am desprately trying to locate my Uncle James Blankenship. Last known area he was in was North Carolina. Please help me!

alan thackray - guiseley leeds - e-mail :

i used to holiday in morecambe when i was in my teens as i had family living there and i all ways loved it, my uncle Albert Nuttall used to have pubs and hotels there, any body know his son Boyd or daugter Nadene i would love to get in touch with them we lost contact years ago, very good site keep up the good work.

Paul Davis e-mail :

I come from Rochdale and it is many years since I visited Morecambe, my grandparets used to take me and my brothers there in the 70s and we had some great times. This Tuesday gone, I took for the first time my own children to Morecambe and I was shocked, dispite having a new prom, the beach was the dirtiest beach I have seen for a long time.

When walking from one end to the other, I counted no less than 4 used nappies, two used needles, used condoms and dog dirt by the pile, and no end of tin cans and plastic bottles. I could not understand why some parents where letting there children play in the sea in what can only be discribed as sewedge. I spoke to a chap on the prom who said that he was from Morecambe, and he said that it was always like this.

I saw one of your brouchers stating that Morecombe was a resort for the family, I can not think which one but its not for me and mine, it was disgusting and I will not be bringing my family or recommending Morecombe to anybody else. I am sure this e-mail will end up in the bin so that nobody else sees it, so be it, but at least I have had my say.

Hayley Spare (Traynor)

I am trying to find Darren Bird. His last known address was 32, Brantley Road, Witton, Birmingham. I would love to get back in touch, its been such a long time. He was born aprrox 1967 and went to Stockland Green School, (When he went). His mom and dad are called Irene and Edward Bird and his sister is called Tina.

I have tried many ways to try and find him, but with no luck.

I really hope you can help.

Haley, You forgot to leave your contact details!

Jenny Manley, - Whangarei, New Zealand - e-mail :

After my mum passed away recently, I have decided to do a family tree. My parents came to NZ in 1952 when I was 2 years old, we were all born in Morecambe. I know there is a stained glass window dedicated to my grandad Charles Gray, St Johns, but I am not sure where, can anyone help me.

Karen Dawson, - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - email

Where to start!! Does anyone remember the Winter Gardens? Lord Mayor, John William Carleton, J.W.C.'s Blue Cadillac or Fred Pearson his Chauffeur? Looking for anyone who can help me find my roots!! I am a relative from Canada, looking for any information on the family of the late John William Carleton, and/or his children the late Sybil Carleton Taylor (Sheldon), son-in-law the late Richard Taylor and their son Graham; Margaret Carleton (Mrs. Brian Street). Also looking for Carleton's chauffer-Fred Pearson or his relatives. Any assistance that you might be able to provide in this regard, would, I assure you be most appreciated.

Rosemarie Boettcher. 70186 Stuttgart Germany - e-mail :

Hello, I am writing from Germany - Stuttgart.I am looking for a person who used to live in Morecambe. Her name is Paola Huntington and she has a sun William. I tried so many Telephone numbers, but I could not find her.

Lately she called me here, but she was talking to the answering machine and did not leave her number. The international information could not find her in the book. Could you find her for me and tell her to leave her Telephone number on the answering machine in case I am not home. I wrote a lot of letters, they never came back and I have only an older address. If you could find her for me Thank you in advance for your help and god bless you !

Veronica O Malley - Galway Ireland -
e-mail : yomalley@gofree.indigo

Hi, I think your website is very interesting, i am looking for anyone who went to St Anthonys primary school farnham rd Slough Berkshire, I attended that school untill 1974 I then returned to Ire;land with my parents to live, I was 10 when i left so if any one knows Veronica Little Please mail me.

Samantha Hehir - seaford , australia
e-mail :

Anyone in morecambe high school years 1988-1990 used to be Samantha Clark

Roseanne - stalybridge tameside. -

I am trying to trace my mother's family who were from accrington in the 1920's. my mother's name was beautrice patrice skeer and her mother died in childbirth giving birth to my mother 14/04/1926?. Her father's name was kenneth who i believed was on the stage and she had a brother Edward who supposedly joined the RAF. <BR>I would love to find any of my mother's family. Thank you

W.P.King,- Swindon -

e-mail :

I'm transcribing my fathers memories for our family and need some information. My Father refers to doing his initial Army training in 1942 at a Holiday Camp in Morecambe. Could you tell me the name and location of this camp? Also I'd like to include a photo of it - any ideas as to where i could find one?

Thanks in anticipation.

Glenda - Sullivan U.S.A. -
e-mail :

i came here looking for a brother. we were seperated when we were little. his birth name is benny gale ellis. trying to find him.

Peter Merrett - email -

I was wondering if anybody can help me with some of my family history. I am Australian and come from 3 generations born and bred in Australia. In 1996 I met my wife in Australia. She was born and has lived all her life in Morecambe. On returning to Morecambe 2 months ago, we found out that by an amazing coincidence my Great great Grandfather Robert Edward Evenden (born 9/2/1851) married at St Peters church to Kate Cuddington in Sept 1872, emigrated to Australia for several years and returned to Morecambe in 1909. It appeared that he married again to Elizabeth Ada (maiden name unknown)and died aged 84 on 3/3/1935. He is buried in St Peters church Heysham as is his wife who died 31/10/1960 aged 85 (Elizabeth Ada must have been 25 years younger than Robert). It would be great if anybody has any information regarding my Great great grandfather, whether he had any more children or has any relatives still living in the area.

Barry Johnston, Chorley UK. e-mail :

Searching for an old school friend from Chorley now living in the Morecambe area. His name is Keith Ashcroft, in his early 40's and he plays the guitar.

Susan O'Kane, glasgow scotland, - e-mail :

I would like to think someone can help me in finding this woman she comes from carnustie st kinning park (215) she was a housemaid in newton street.she was about 21 then..she married a policeman named mcduff who lives in cumbernauld

Mrs J Allen, Reading, Berkshire - e-mail :

I am trying to find anyone who knew my mum when she was younger. As a child she lived in alcombe, minehead. She then joined the RAF and was stationed in bridgend, whales.In 1961 she left and moved to reading, berkshire where she meet and married my dad. Her name was Rosemary Brennan. If anyone knows of her or did know her please get in touch as it is importent.

Suzanne Edgar, - Blackpool, Lancashire - e-mail :

I am trying to find my best friend which was at primary school in 1980-1985, we lost contact when i moved away from a place called Bolton-le-Sandsin Lancashire. Her name was Maria Kennedy and she had a sister called Michelle and a brother called John.Her birthday was on February 19th. Please can you find out where she is at as it's been nearly 13 years since i have seen her.

John Kitchen, Cadishead (Manchester) England -
e-mail :

Hi i am now in desperate need of help for the past 4 years i have been searching for my biological father brother and two sissters none of them no about me or one another i am the eldest followed by my brother then my sissters my father does not know of me because he left before my mum could tell him and all attempts to find him at the time of my birth falied unfortanlty my mother could not coupe with me so i was put up for adoption then a couple of years later my mumm had my brother by someone else he was taken from my mum by the courts as were my sissters and put up for adoption in 83,85&87 i think i know that my birth name was john michael pucil but registered in my grandparents name of barber my mthers name is kathlen pucil (barber) she has a couple of sissters and brothers some of the names are yvone and ian aunt and uncle my brothers name is geffory or jeffory not sure on the spelling IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WITH ME AT I'M GOING CRAZY KNOW BECAUSE PART OF MY LIFE IS MISSING AND CAN ONLY BE FILLED IF THESE PEOPLE ARE FOUND PLEASE HELP ME...........

John, you don't have to shout, we can here you!

Sam Ryan, - Romford, EssexEngland - e-mail :

I met a group of Spanish people on holiday and i lost them on my last night before going home so i didnt find their email address. i really would like to track them down and find them. i know they lived near the port of Valencia, maybe Gwalalahala I'm not sure how you spell it! their names were Carlos, Edward and Vincent (although I think he said it like Biencent). They are 16 and Vincent speaks brilliant English. I know they have a hotmail account beginning with 'C' for Vincent but thats about it!and Vincent is going to America in September till July to study English further and will have a different email so I'm desperate to find him! please help me. Thank you for your time to this web site.

Hotmail account beginning with 'C', hmm that's a good clue! Well come on peeps there is only a couple of million of them, what are you waiting for!

Gene Turner, - Waco, Ky. USA -
e-mail :

Hi I am looking for my sister, Her birth place is Idaho, Her name at birth was Betty Jane Turner, Her Father's name is Andy Lee Turner II, Her Mother's name is Patrica English,,,, she would be around 55 to 60 years old,, I just found out about her .....if anyone knows of her. Please let me know, Thanks

'The Search' started of for people from Morecambe but it has attracted interest from people all over the world. Please spend a little time to help unite friends and families again.

Gamuchirai Wilmar Sithole - Slough England
e-mail :

I'm looking for my friends from Zimbabwe who are somewhere here in the UK. If anyone knows them then please be so kind and give them my e-mail.

They are: Moira Rugge and Kudzanai Jamera


Peter Hornby, - Languedoc, France
e-mail :

We are trying to trace former pupils of Morecambe Grammar School 1963 to 1970. Many still have family connections in the area.

The names are :
Christine Abbit, Derek Allen, Chris Amos, Ken Brewer, Stephen Bland, Terry Brown, Helen Boak, Michael Brown, Judith Barker, Eric Bryan, Lynda Brown, Derek Bolton, Linda Brown, Sandra Cooper, Ann Collis, Lawrence Carlisle, Sheila Clarke, Lynda Casson, Richard Davies, Pat Dixon, ?? Dawson (Dorsey !), ?? Fawcett, Ian Gardner, Bill Grace, Andrew Gow, Martin Gregg, Don Gaskell, Ian Hartley, Stephen Haigh, Glen Harrison, Malcolm Haworth, Brian Kenny, Priscilla Keith, Graham Leake, Doug Lowe, ??? Linneacre, Susan Milner, Kirstie Murdoch, John Mamczac, Andrew Mayor, Susan Midgely Graham Morris David Norgate Liz Pinder, Gillian Parry Michael Rawlinson Brian Roberts Shirley Rundle, Philip Rowland Peter Sunderland Wendy Shaw Ruth Shoesmith, Barbara Towers, Tina Townley, David Tyson, Jean Varley, John Benson Wilson, David Watkins, Lynn Walke, Graham Walker, Helen Wardman, Sue Wilkes

apologies for omissions !

Having managed to arrange a reunion after only 32 years, we are trying to trace the "missing persons" from our year.

We have produced a website, with details of the recent reunion. There is also a list of current contacts, which could be useful to others wishing to trace old Morecambrians. A list of "missing persons" is in preparation.

The contact details are -

Site :
Email :



Are you sure you haven't just been copying names from a phone book!





Kev Pearson - Morecambe -

This Heysham High School web site has been set up to help ex pupils find each other and keep in touch the online. the guestbook and chatroom on this site is for your use! so if you've lost contact with old friends from heysham high drop me an e mail or pop onto the site! helping people find one an other!

I'm sure some of the readers may find it usefull

Nicola Parker, - Singapore -
e-mail :

A long shot but wondering if anyone can help me find Carol Ann Simpson of Hampshire UK. She would be about 54 yrs old and gave birth to me in Bournmouth in 1967. Would love any info. Many thanks

Morecambe, Hampshire, Zimbabe, it seems that anything is possible, thanks to everyone's help! So come on people, pick up a phone, write some letters, visit some websites. You have the power to change someone's life for the what are you waiting for!

Naomi Smuts, - Witbank, South Africa
e-mail :

I`m looking for my mother, she gave birth to me the 19 January 1967. I was adopt by Mr. and Mrs. Herbst. My mother was Miss. Ferreira there was also brothers that I dont no.I was born at Orkney in the free-state. One of my brothers grow up with me as Ferreira and died when he was nearly 16 years old.I am looking for my own mother for the last 10 years. Please help me any one who nows enything, my english is not good but help me please.

A tall order, I think Naomi, let's keep our fingers crossed

Lesley Crockett, - Southampton, Hampshire

I am trying to find Kelly Caroline Dolley she was born June 1978 and lived in surbiton surrey in the early part of her life. she was placed with foster parents who after some time were allowed to adopt her. their family name is Amuro. If any one knows of her whereabouts please send an e-mail to me.

Oh Lesley Coline is found but where are you? This is what Caroline sent me:

i wal looking through your investigations page and have found Lesley Crockett who is searching for me, Kelly Caroline dolley (which was my name at birth), i am now called Caroline Victoria amuro. I have tried to contact the email that is shown but i always have them returned, i was wondering if you could help me

Lesley, if you read this, get intouch with me and I will forward you new email address to Caroline, Regards Peter.


Shorai Mapuranga, Stafford, UK
e-mail :

I am looking for my friend from high school her name is Melania Kainga and she lives in Zimbabe in a town called Mutare if you do find her would you send me her e-mail

Crikey Shorai, If any on should find Melanie, please let me know and I'll show my bare arse in Lewis's shop window!

...It's looking like I'll have to put on some clean underwear!

John Blake, Canbridge
e-mail :

I am looking for monique blake nee batteson originally from sydney but lived and married in london before returning to australia. she has a brother named john. anyone who can help please contact me it is very urgent

Well John, we'll need more than our fingers crossed with this one.

Christina Maynard, - Poteau US
e-mail :

We are looking for my husbands sister. Her birth name was Theresa Levesque. Her parents were Jane and John Levesque. Her brother's name is Jeff Maynard. She was born at WW Backus hospital on June 26, 1968. The last time he saw her was in Arizona and her married name was Cruz. If anyone knows her, please contact me. She has two nieces she has never met.

e-mail :

Hello there, I was wondering if any one can help me. My gandfather, Mr.Thomas Turner was the local Punch & Judy man in Morecambe for over 60 years and I was wondering if anyone had any photograph of him in his stage clothes. His pitch was on the sands at the side of the Clock Tower and at the opposite side of the ramp there was a man called Roland who used to have a mechanical roundabout for the childen. It is now over 40 years since my grandfather retired but I would be gretfull for any assistance in recalling his life in Mrecambe.

I'm sure lots of people will remember Punch & Judy

Jessica Koterba, - Lewistown, MT, United States - e-mail :

I am about to graduate from college and I am looking for my father. His name is Sam Childree. He was married to my mother, but they divorced in 1966. I have one older sister, Connie. My father then married Josephine and they have two children - Sonia and Steven. I would very much like to locate my father before I graduate to let him know of my accomplishment. My father's former address was 6126 Dogwood Circle, Buford, GA. If anyone knows him or knows a way to find him I would greatly appreciate the help.

Grahame Rhodes -

My cousin Christine Johnson was married in Morecambe sometime in the early seventies. Her fathers name was Reg and her mothers name was Margaret. Reg Johnsons, sister was Marjory Rhodes, my mother. I have tried everything to find her to no avail. Please help.

Jacinta Timmons, - email -

My aunt Helen Buckley born in dublin ireland around 1927, she left and went to england and married Edward (Eddie) Smith, moved to Canada around 1955, maybe Toronto last heard her from her 1970, we think he was a amatuer golfer on the american circut, we think they also had a holiday home in Florida.

I tried to e-mail this lady (which lady Betty?) but her mail came back. If she writes you again I can give her my cousin's name and address in Morecambe - she went to school with Joan Senior who if I remember correctly from my childhood visits, Joan lived in/near Westgate Avenue.

I am trying to find friends of mine from when I went to Balmoral Road, School from Mat 1946-August 1947.

Their names are:
Joan Senior
Jean walker
Joyce Fletcher

We used to have so much fun together I left in 1947 to go back to Bradford where I was from

It would also be nice to hear from anyone else who may remember me

My name was Betty Midgley now live in California but hope to get back to Morecambe in the not too distant future Betty Jolley. -

Anne Johnson - email:-

I am looking for a lady by the name of Daisy Panton.  She gave birth to Dorothy Panton in 1918 and that is all we know. 

We cannot trace her after that.  She may have left the country to live in Australia, she may have died although there is no record of her dying in 1918 which is what Dorothy was told by her grandmother.  By all accounts Dorothy's maternal grandmother brought her up and they lived in Cavendish Road Clapham, although there does seem to be some confusion surrounding the surname of her grandmother does anyone out there remember a lady with the name of Daisy or Panton as this is the name I have also been given for the grandmother!  As I said it is all very confusing.

Fran Bott email -

Alternate email -

I am looking for relatives of John and Margaret Parkinson of Morecambe, Lancashire. They immigrated to the US in 1907 with the following family members:

Mary Elizabeth (my grandmother)
Mary Ellen

There was a brother - George - and sister - Sara - that stayed in England. In later years, Mary Ellen, John and Margaret returned to England to live out the rest of their lives. John (d.1924 age 76) and Margaret (d.1925 age 72) are buried in Torrisholme Cemetery as is Mary Ellen who died in the late 50's-early 60's.

If any of this is familiar, please email me. I would like to learn more about my English relatives and share information on your US ancestors.

John Boyd - email:


I am searching for my birth mother. My birth name was John David Roby. I was born in August 1968 and adopted out at the age 8 yrs old. My adopted parents took me to live in New Zealand when I was 11 years old. My mothers name is Valerie Doreen Reader (maiden name - could be remarried) and was last known to be living around the Poulton Le Fylde area. I have had contact with her family but unfortunately they also have not had contact with her. There is also a half sister who is approx seven years older than me who I have no information about.

Much appreciated

I am looking for anyone who could help me find my half brother, his name is Glyn Kitchen, he was born to Doreen Kitchen, glyn was brought up by his grandparents, his real father's name was BryanBirkett who lived in station road , Huncoat, Accrington. my father never forgot about Doreen or Glyn, if you are out there glyn, please know your dad loved you! my dad was not allowed to marry Doreen because her parents wouldn't let them. my father last saw glyn when he was 1 year old being pushed in a pram by his grandmother,. i think Glyn was brought up in the accrington or surrounding areas of Accrington, he would be about 49 years old. Glyn you have a sister (me) Susan a brother Greg and a sister in Australia called Linda please get in touch. email:


, - Victoria Country : Australia -
e-mail :

Trying to trace any relatives of George Davies & Virginia Sainsbury, they were married in Dec, 1848 at St.Luke's Parish Church, Chelsea, Middlesex. They came out on the Mary Shepherd ship arriv. in Australia on 4th Apr.1849. George's father was a Thomas Davis a dairyman, and Virginia's father was William Sainsbury a Tallow Chandler/labourer her mother was Mary Ann. HELP! Many thanks for this opportunity to write on your site

Rose Gauld - Clapham Common

I'm looking for info on my dad he died in 1979 or 1978 in Aberdeen his name is Donald Frazer mcleod please help me find him

Hello Rose
If you know he died in Aberdeen and the approximate year then get in touch with births, deaths and marriages at the Aberdeen Council (Ring direct enquiries and they will put you through)

They should be able to give you his last known address and then send a letter to everyone on his street to find out if they knew him and if they can give you the name of the local pub. Hopefully this will give you a starting point!

PS the email you left was incorrect!

MORE from ROSE...



Angela Johnson, - email -

I would very much like to trace the Cutler family, but do not know where to begin. My grandmother and grandfather separated when my mother was very young, in approximately 1915. Her name was Ada, his was Frank. He was apparently a musician in the Army, a trumpeter, I think. Unfortunately I have either lost contact with anyone who could have have helped me or they have died. I believe the family lived in the London area, probably the west end, and there was an older sister, Betty, and older brother, Frank jnr., both now deceased.

I have never known my mother's side of the family and really would like to trace the 'missing' part of my ancestry.

Let's hope someone knows the Cutler's and gets in touch

Norman Urwin

I am searching for a long lost friend (cerca 1945) Her maiden name was "Olga Davies" Her brother was married to my cousen (both deceased) They lived in Neath South Wales UK. Any info would be most welcome.

Peter Davies -

School chums

I'm trying to regain contact with former school chums from my days at Ryelands Primary, Lancaster (left 1959), Skerton BOYS (as it was in those days) Secondary in Lancaster (left 1964) or Morecambe Grammar School (left 1966)

Alan Fisher, Roger Hayton and Ian Magowan, ARE YOU OUT THERE?

I'm now living in Hampshire.

Denise, Issott.
Maiden name Margerison.

My family all originated from Morecambe. My father however joined the Royal Air Force so we traveled around the country with him, coming home to Morecambe at regular intervals.

I think it must have been around 1959 that we came to stay at Morecambe for a longer period, I know I went to Balmoral Rd School for a while.

During that time I met two boys, named; Ian Pickles and Norman Woodhead, I wonder what became of them. Norman wrote to me for a while when we had the Germany posting.

I wonder if anyone knows about them today?

David Sharon and Jonathan Miles

During the late 60's,there were no better friends than the Miles and Pickering family who met at one of Morecambe/Heysham's entertainment resorts.Through the following twenty years or so cards were exchanged on special occasions but as our lives and families drifted thousands of miles apart we eventually lost all contact with each other.

During these troubled times We would dearly love to know how Aveine (nee Pickering) Mum Joyce Pickering and family have been over the last few years If anybody in the area knows the family we would be only too happy to hear any news from them.

Another good friend from that era was versatile compere/vocalist/agent/publican you name it, and all around good guy was Mort Allan, Is he still wowing the audiences in and around the Lancashire area. Any news would be welcomed here in the USA.

Re: David Sharon and Jonathon Miles on your page: Mort Allan is indeed alive and well and appearing in all sorts of things around Lancs. Morecambe Tourism will help with his telephone number

Elizabeth Tait






Liam, Ireland

I was wondering if any of your residents knew an aunt of mine who i used to visit in green st in morecambe regularly in the mid 80's, her name was Mary O'Dea (Maguire) and she was married to a massive big fellow from co clare in Ireland called Kevin O'Dea. they used to run a b&b.

I used to love my visits to Morecambe and hopefully I will visit again some time.

PS is the Off Licence still going in Green St. i remember the owner used to wear a wig. hope you ain't offended.

nice site brings back good memories

It wasn't a wig, they were infested with spiders!

Maiden name Roslyn Linton born in Burton on trent staffs, would be around 58-60yrs old now. as far as I know she never married, but lived with someone named David for a number of years, once lived in Tewkesbury, hasn'tcontacted any of her relatives since the 1970's, she has two brothers Frank & Martin and a sister Kitty, she was very into art & design, if anyone knows of her wereabouts this information would be gratefully received.

Alan Morgan

Can anyone help me to locate Kathryn (Kitty) Hopkins or David Parker, who were members of Form 5N at Morecambe Grammar School, between 1968 and 1973?

Both will now be around 44 years old. Kitty and David are the last two untraced members of the class and I would dearly like to be able to invite them to a 5N reunion, to be held later this year.

Kathryn (Kitty) Hopkins.
Kitty lived on Hillsea Avenue in Heysham and joined MGS in about 1971, having moved from Wales. She had a sister, Christine, who is believed to now live in Lincolnshire. Their father, Cyril, was a senior manager at Heysham Power Station. In 1987 Kitty married Walter Ironsides and is thought to have lived in South Africa at some point.

David Parker.
David operated a milk round in Warton until a few years ago, but has since left the area.

I would be grateful for any information on the whereabouts of David or Kitty. I would also be delighted to hear from any other old school friends who attended Morecambe Grammar School between 1968 and 1975.

Hi, can you help. I'm looking for an old friend called Susan Goddard from Barnet London. We met in 1965 on holiday in Italy whilst I was living in Manchester. We kept in touch until the early 70's. Susan had a brother called David who was a trainee jeweller whilst Susan had attended college to train as a Window-dresser. She was seeing a boy called Des and had worked in Corfu for a couple of seasons but then I lost touch. I have tried but no matches. I now live in London and would love to find her.

I am trying to locate my great grandfathers family for a school project. His name is Ernest B Morris, He was married to Rosemary Ellen Wright together having three children, Terrance Charles John Morris, Rosemary Helen Morris

(Now Carter) and Anthony David Morris. Grandpa Ernest originally lived in London with his wife and two children Terrance and Rosemary but moved to South Wales about 61 years ago, Then having his Third child Anthony. He was born on July 6th 1903 and died In February 1998. Please help!!!

Nick Field


Suffering from a recent touch of nostalgia, I've been wondering whatever became of some old school friends from Morecambe Grammar School. Does anybody know the whereabouts of: Philip Blackwell, David Cutler, Richard Brierley, Paul Freeman, David Roberts, Janice Saxon, Janet Crossley?

We were in Form 5J, form master Mr Jackson. Most of us continued into the 6th form and would have left the school in 1974.

I've also registered at which has a huge database of schools, on which you have a chance of contacting old friends (assuming they too have registered). No luck so far, but I do recommend the site.

I hope one of your many readers may recognise either my name or one in the above list. Here's hoping...

Harold Thickett, - Victoria bc Canda
email -

Being away from England for 45yrs i really enjoy reading about the sea side where i spent many summer hollidays with my parents .you have made my day thankyou harold, i am trying to locate a lady by the name of Betty Scaife who lived in Bradford Yorkshire but went to Morecambe to work for a while if any one can give me any info on her where abouts i would be very grate full

Come on peeps, another one to get your teeth into!

Hi, I'm looking for my uncle who I haven't seen for about 25 years. Last I knew, he lived in Leicester. His name is Ron Paston and he must be about 70 ish now. He has three children: Hilary, Lorraine and Ian who should all now be in their 40's or older. He has two sisters - Eileen and Jenny who also haven't seen him for 25 years. They had a family argument all that time ago which has kept them apart and I would really like to get them
talking to each other again.

Not really much to go on, but if anyone knows anything, get in touch.

Paul Pritchard Lafaele, -
Auckland, New Zealand -
e-mail :

It's really great, and because I'm looking for lost family member, this will help. So thank you. Vince Pritchard is the man I'm looking for, so if anyone has any info, please feel free to contact me on my email.

Hi Paul, you haven't given us much to go on, Is Vince your Brother / Uncle / Dad? How old will he be? Does he have a wooden leg?...anything!

Jane Humphreys - Dunstable, Bedfordshire.

Hi - I'm looking for my mum's cousin. He was born in Bradford, West Yorkshire circa 1930's. His name is Basil Mudd. He married and had two children, but then "dropped out" and was last heard of many years ago living rough in Morecambe...a member of our family was travelling on a train and met a policeman from Morecambe, who know Basil well from his regular overnight detentions in the cells! I'm hoping that a Morecambe local - perhaps a former member of the police force, social services, publican etc can help in tracing Basil.

I understand that Basil's immediate family were not especially kind to him, however he was loved dearly by members of my mum's family, most of whom have now died, and for whom it was difficult to know where to begin looking for Basil. I would love to be able to find Basil (I appreciate that he might have died by now) even if it's just to let him know that he was loved, and that he is still in the thoughts of the family he left behind. I hope that your page can help - you're the first place I have tried.

More Information...

I wrote to you re: Basil Mudd.

A lady has sent a message to me giving some details of Basil's life in Morecambe. Apparantly he died several years ago, but had been well known in Morecambe for playing his trumpet around town (!) and "sort of" lodged with a lady called Ros in Lloyds Avenue.

This was a fantastic breakthrough and it would be great to find out some more about Basil - do these new details ring any bells for anyone else out there?

Thank you for your help so far - keep up the good work!!!

I stumbled across your site and noticed that someone needed inforamtion on basil mudd. I can confirm that he was married to my aunty for several years and would love to give this person information. Unfortunately the email address is not recognised. Maybe you could pass this on for me and give the lady my email address

Many thanks

Mark knowles

Mark, we've found Jane but now we've lost you. Please, Please get intouch and I will forward your new email address to Jane so she can contact you direct. Thank you

Brenda Ryan, - St. Helens, Tasmania, Australia -
e-mail :

I am looking for any descendants of Ann Sunderland & Jim Douglas. Ann was born in Widnes in 1869 Her parents where Thomas Sunderland & Mary Cavanagh. I believe Jim was also born in Widnes --After their marriage they moved to Morecombe & had a Hotel.- It would be great if I could find some distant relatives. My grandmother was Ann's youngest sister Elizabeth b 1877 & she married Martin Finlan & there is only one of Elizabeths children still livin - Other members of her family where - Mary b 1865-Ellen b 1871 Joseph b 1873.

Thomas b 1875. I would love to surprise Uncle Daniel who is in his 80's with news of this family.

Come on peeps and help Brenda, she spent time finding someone for us, it's only right that we help... What are you waiting for?

Enrique Silver - Montevideo URUGUAY- e-mail:

Please Help,

Sheila Elizabeth Hirst is a young woman looking for her origin and family and a good friend of mine. Her great-grandfather Edwin Avison Hirst came to Uruguay from Morecambe, Lancashire, England around 1920, probably before that year. In September of 1922 he registered the birth of his natural son Guillermo Alfredo Avison Hirst. According to Sheila's grandmother Edwin Avison Hirst died in Tacuarembó, Uruguay in October 3rd., 1927.

The official document of the birth of Guillermo states that Edwin Avison Hirst was the son of Henry Hirst and Isabella Sandwell and that by that time (Sept. 1922) his father was dead and her mother was a widow living in Morecambe, Lancashire. Do you know if it is possible that relatives of Edwin Avison Hirst still live in Morecambe (related to Henry Hirst or Isabella Sandwell), or if there is any way to find out and contact them? Sheila Hirst is deeply interested to find her roots and contact her family in England. I hope you can respond to this message and help Sheila find her family.

Come on, you people, we need your help... please

Jane Bruce - Newcastle, Ontario CANADA
e-mail :

I am searching for any information on the Nesbitt family or would like to be in contact via email with any relatives of Herbert or Ethel (nee Dawson)Nesbitt of mother is Irene (nee Nesbitt) born in 1920 and was Herbert's daughter. Herbert died in the late 1960's. Ethel Dawson passed away before Herbert (I don't know what year). My mother was one of five children . Gladys (deceased), Hilda (deceased), Doris who lives in the Bradford area & Jim who is in Brookhouse. I am in contact with some of these relatives via email and snailmail but am particularly interested in information about Ethel Dawson & Herbert's early life.

My Mum doesn't like reliving the past, but from what I can gather Herbert may have been a miner ??? I'd love to hear from anyone who might have info also on Norman Foster who was my Mother's first husband. They married during the early years of WWll and shortly after their wedding Norman (a sailor) and Irene (Red cross worker) were parted when Norman was sent to sea where sadly, he was killed.My Mum remarried to Allan Edwin Wills in Cheltenham England in 1950 and had a son Stephen Charles (born 1951 in Cheltenham) and a daughter (that's me) Elisabeth Jane (born 1958 in Canada). So that's "us" in a nutshell. If anyone can help me add some details to my family tree please jump in!

Thanks-Jane Bruce (nee Wills)

Please, Please Everyone JUMP IN!

Elaine Morris - Ballachulish, Scotland. - e-mail

This is a long shot, I have lost touch with my childhood friend who I have been corresponding with since she moved to Australia many years ago. We lost touch about 18 years ago when we both moved house, and maybe someone else locally is still in touch with her.

Her name is Carol Ann Shaw, formally Terry, Nee Smith. Born 1947 in Lancaster, lived on Leycester Drive, Cross Hill, then lived in Mosman, NSW, until moving, I think, to Tasmania. Has an adult son called David. Perhaps someone in Aussiland may see this and know of her, I live in hope.
Thanks, Elaine

A result thanks to Brenda Ryan

Iain Stephen. - Email:

Hi, My name is Iain and I live in the North of Scotland. I am looking for a friend and although I have been corresponding to her last year (December) and lost her address.

When I was 17 I went to Beaumont college (outskirts of Lancaster) and met a lady, Pam Simpson, and we became good friends. When I left Beaumont I returned home but never forgot Pam. We did write back and forth but when she got married the letters stopped.

I tried to find out how she was, discreetly, and discovered she was happy and had two daughters. I never married. I realised Pam was contented so didn't want to cause any problem so forgot.

However, towards the end of 1999 I received a letter from her saying she was divorced and re-married and had another daughter and was separated. We corresponded for a while but she met someone else. This Christmas I received a Christmas card and Pam said send her a text message. My dilemma is that not only do I know her mobile number I subsequently lost her address.

I cannot remember her last married name; only the first Housing (but even that might be wrong). She said she stayed off the big roundabout as you come into Morecambe. Westgate I think. I cannot remember the street name nor the house number. She was last working for a factory that makes sanitary products. Apparently the firm makes product for all of the UK.

Pam's maiden name is Simpson and her youngest daughter is about 5/6, or older. Pam mother stays in the estate in the York hotel.

I am sorry that I cannot tell you more. I am 37 and Pam is about the same age or two years older. I would have put an ad in the local paper but don't want to cause any problems in case Pam has found happiness.

Help Please!

Jonathan Daniels, - ft lauderdale, usa -
e-mail :

I was looking for contacts that may know of people who went to the friends school lancaster between 1962-1969 that is how i found your website.a brian wilson in toronto came up, i think he maybe played cricket?? i lived in poulton -le- fylde and travelled to school on the x42 bus.congraulations on your website, i dont know morecambe very well,but as a child i visited hest bank to go train spotting on many occasions, great times it was always sunny !! sorry about my sloppy regards jonathan daniels.

Nice to here you're in touch with Brian, let's hope some more friends catch up.

Lost Friend


I am trying to get in touch with a friend from the past. Her name was Alison Campbell and we both went to school together at West End Primary back in the late 1960's. My name was Kay Ramsden back then.

I left in 1972 and emigrated to Australia, we lost contact a few years later.

I would be thrilled to hear from you.

Kay -

What's your betting Alison is Married with a new surname! Come on get digging!


I am researching the name SWINDLEHURST anytime anywhere. Most of my family came from Over Wyresdale and the village of Wray where they were hatters and silk workers.

In the 1881 census there is a William Enoch SWINDLEHURST living with the WOODHOUSE family in Morecambe. If anyone has any information about William or his uncle Edward SWINDLEHURST (born 1851 in Wray) I would be thrilled to hear from you.

Dy Swindlehurst -

Yet another tall order, but if anyone can help, please, please do so


I am trying to find my mothers father. She last saw him 37 years ago when she was 5. He left her and her 4 sisters at a childrens home in Rhodesia, in Africa.

His name is John Kieth Little but mainly known as just "Kieth". His date of birth is 24-9-1938 so that would make him about 62 now. He has now got a son called Kieth jnr and possibly another daughter. My mother thinks that he may still be living in Africa of even London.

I know that it is hard to find people and even harder to find people in another country but could someone please help me try and find him. it would make my mothers and her sisters christmas if i could find him or even just get a phone number or an address. I am trying my best and because i am only 13 it is very hard because i don't know where to start. That is why i am askind for your help!!


It's a tall order, please will someone help!

Margaret Greenhow - Scotland - e-mail :

Hi, My Gt. Aunt will be 90 yrs old on 6th Nov. She tried many years ago to find her Aunt and Uncle in Morecambe without success. Their names were William and Anne (Annie) Woodhouse and he was a shrimp fisherman. To find them she was told she needed his nickname because there were so many Woodhouses in Morecambe. Here in this part of Scotland we call it a "Tee-name" (I'm from Yorkshire really). They had at least 3 sons, one, Fred, drowned aged about 16yrs.

Anne was a Thompson before she married and was born about 1860 (yes I know it's a long time ago) in Knottingley, West Yorkshire.

In 1881 she was 21yrs old, single and a servant at 1, Cheapside, Poulton Barre & Torrisholme.

She had a sister Mary who stayed with her and her husband and helped potting the shrimps but then Mary went to South Africa as a nanny or nursemaid about the end of the Boer war, 1902? and disappeared in mysterious circumstances, her family never found out what happened to her. Story ring any bells?

My Gt. Aunts mother was Sabina, sister to Anne and Mary.

Any info. greatly appreciated, I would love to be able to tell my Gt. Aunt what happened to them. I have noted the other Woodhouse enquiry.

Many thanks to Malcolm Allen for persisting in finding me and supplying me with information and a family connection. Margaret Greenhow

Hello, love the website, hope you can help me,

I'm trying to catch up with a best friend I lost touch with 20 years ago. Karen Marshall, married Robert Woolley and I was their bridesmaid - I think it's their Silver Wedding Anniversay shortly and I'd love to say "CONGRATULATIONS". I know they are still in Morecambe, maybe Westgate.

Pam McHugh (nee Berry)

I'm sure the Woolley's won't be hard to find !

Paul Bould - e-mail :

Useful web site about Morecambe. Can you help me find an old friend from Morecambe who I haven't seen for about 20 years. I was brought up in Morecambe and only left about 6 years ago. I have tried to find an old friend but with no success. Her name was Karen Williams but she got married and I think divorced. She used to live with her mother on Chatsworth Road and as far as I can remember, she moved to somewhere near Thornton Road. She will be about 42/43 years old now and probably has moved away from the area. If any body can put me in touch with her, I would be most grateful. NB she was a pretty good chess player.

Cheers. Paul Bould

Success one of our readers 'John' has found Karen.

Amanda Norman


Please help, I'm trying to find my grandad, Frank Cooper and other lost relatives.

Frank Cooper used to live in Heysham up until the early eighties and he would have been in his lates fifties, early sixties. He also had a sun and daughter, Jimmy and Anne. Anne had 3 daugthers, Mandy, Michelle and Sharon.

If you know any information that would help me find my grandad again, I'll be truly grateful.



Thanks to Gary Taylor, Mandy and her grandad are together again.

I am trying to find friends of mine from when I went to Balmoral Road, School from Mat 1946-August 1947.

Their names are:
Joan Senior
Jean walker
Joyce Fletcher

We used to have so much fun together I left in 1947 to go back to Bradford where I was from

It would also be nice to hear from anyone else who may remember me

My name was Betty Midgley now live in California but hope to get back to
Morecambe in the not too distant future

Betty Jolley. - email me at

I am looking for ancestors from Morecambe, late 1800's - Alexander Mckie or any other names of

Mckie. ancestors built a church in the gardens at Morecambe possibly a place called ramsden square-

please help if you can.


Hello to all pupils of Morecambe (old) St Marys primary / infant school & Our Ladys Secondary High School. (1967 to 1979)

If any of you remember the good old days of these schools it would be nice to here from you. You never know I might of been in your class or have known you. Any old photos would be appreciated.

Contact me directly at

All the best Ian Maddox

Amanda Fox, - London UK

This site is brilliant and very well thought out, hopefully it will be of some help on my search! I am looking for Graham owen Davies, Approx 57 yrs last known to be living in Clapham, SW4, London in 1965. Any information would be gratefully recieved.

Well here we are Amanda, let's hope someone knows Graham

Jim Simpson, - Glasgow, Scotland
e-mail :


Hope you can help I'm trying to trace my mother last Known to be living in Morecambe. Her maiden name was McKirdy and married name was Simpson. She divorced my father and remarried, she used to run a b&b and here new husband was in a band, they both drove Mini's ! Not sure but her new name may be Oldham hope you can help.

Cheers Jim

Hi Jim Your mother may take some tracking down. Let's hope someone knows her and gets in touch. PS how old is your mother and why did you loose contact?

Paul Pattison, P.I. El Cañuelo 12/17, Guadiaro. San Roque, Cadiz. postcode : 11311, Spain, e-mail : charliecruz@apdo

Can you help me find two long lost cousins of mine, whom I last saw in about 1972? Their names ate Pat and David and they must be about 45/50 years old. My mother's maiden name was Edna May Scahill, and her sister (who's married name I can't remember) had the two children mentioned earlier. That is all the information I've got, beside the fact that we were all born in Morecambe in the early 1950's. My family subsequently moved to Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in 1954, and returned to the UK in 1977.

My mother and father are both deceased, and I'm trying to contact various members of our family, so if you could help in anyway in locating these relations, it would be greatly appreciated by both my sister and myself.

With all the best regards, Paul Pattison.

Come on people reading this Help, Help, Help, I can't express how important it is for you to try and help everyone on this page, you could change their lives for ever,YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Dear Peter,

I am really enjoying the Morecambe web site and return to it quite often. I've also ordered the book which you mention at the end of the archive page.

I would love to hear from anyone who was in my form at Balmoral County Secondary School (now Heysham High school I think) from 1955 - 1960. The form teachers we had were Miss Broadbent, Mr.Sandford, Mr Jenkins, Miss Lawton and Mr.Dawson. My great friend at school was Judith Holmes and I would love to hear from her if anyone knows how to contact her - I think her married name is West. She is 13 days older than me, and I tried very hard to find her address to send a card when we were both 40 and again when we were 50, but without success.

It would be great to finally make contact again after all these years.

Please e-mail me direct if you can help, My maiden name was Pauline Burge.

Thanks Peter, you are doing a great job to put Morecambe back on the map.

Elizabeth (Betty) Lunny (nee Parry) -

I was excited to view your web page and I wondered if any of your readers could help me find a few old friends.

I worked at the Post Office Savings Dept on Lancaster Road in Morecambe from 1959-64. I would love to hear if this office is still there and if Ann Hurst, Gillian Barrett or Bill Green are known to anyone. They would all be in their 50's now and I would love to get in touch.

Best wishes to you all

Hi Betty

We have done a little delving on your behalf with some success.

We have spoken to a Lady (She works at Births Deaths and Marriages on 01524 65673) called Kathleen (Dixon) Garlic who worked at the Post office 1957 - 1963. She keeps in touch with someone who knows Gillian Barrett and said they would ring us back but haven't as yet.

Your friend Bill, I'm sorry to say has past away.

As soon as we have any more information we will get back to you.

Dear Peter,

Browsed through your very informative page on Morecambe and wondered if any of your readers could help me piece my ancestry together. I would greatly
appreciate it.

This is all the info I have at the moment:

My grandfather, George Austin Woodhouse was originally from Morecambe, and sailed to South Africa as a young man. He was born in June 1879 and died in
Johannesburg on 25 August 1917. He had a sister, Myra.

Other relatives (although I don't know how they are related) are:

If anybody has any information that might help, would they please email me
at or alternatively, write to me at 25 Beacon Road,
Grosvenor, Durban, South Africa, 4052.

Thank you and regards,
Cathy Ambrose

A Result thanks to Eddie, we can do it with your help!

Christopher Reeve, - Slatington, PA USA

HELP! (Come on you good people, we've done it once, we can do it again!)


I got your address off a message on the Morecambe site, you had helped a lady find her relative. I was wondering if you could help me?

My Grandfather, Herbert Reeve, was born in Wigan, England on July 25th, I think in 1920, (or 1925, or sometime in between). He left home at an early age (probably in his teens) and eventually ended up in the US, where he met my grandmother and decided to stay. At some point he lost all contact with his family, for reasons I don't know, he does not talk about his family much and it has taken many years and several school reports to find out what little information I do have. I know he had a younger bother and two sisters, so I believe there must be some living relatives somewhere, and I am interested in finding them.

This is what I know. My grandfather's father was Jack Reeve. His mothers name was either Margaret or Florence (nickname Flo) or some combination of the two names. Herbert was the oldest of 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls, I'm not sure of the order of the 3 younger children or when they were born, but there names are: John, Ann, and Olga.

Unfortunately, this is all the information I have at this time and I am not sure of where to look or to contact to try and find more information, any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.


Christopher C. Reeve

If you know Jack Reeve, or have any information you think we might find useful, please get in touch with me or directly to Christopher on e-mail:
Good Luck Christopher, we're going to need some 'Kryptonite' for this one!!!

Carol Davidson, - Scarborough, Canada

HELP!... A touching story of how the internet site works

1st E-mail

I think your site is great, however I am trying to locate someone who once lived there . Her name is Elizabeth Bertram age 77 Maiden name is Porter originally born in Glasgow but has lived in England since either 1951 or 1952. Last I knew she was married to Norman Bertram has 3 Children (1 Male 45 years old? 2 Female I think they would be in their early 40's)

2nd E-mail

Thanks for giving me the address that I should mail to for the Voters Role, I sent it and I got information back yesterday, the above noted person is my biological mother who I find out passed away 7 years ago but I did receive two letters from half sisters so it was thanks to you that I can put some of the missing pieces of my life together.

Thanks Again
Carol Davidson
(A success, even though a sad one, good luck Carol)

Good, No... GREAT NEWS Carol has visited her new found family and everything in the world looks rosy. Congratulations Carol, keep in touch.



Karen Dawson, - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - email karendawson@mts.nettracy doherty - lisburn - e-mail : tracy.doherty1'ntlworld.comrichard parry - plymouth - e-mail :