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I still loved my boyfriend

I hope you can help me!

I have been going out with my boyfriend for nearly 5 years now, and we hope to get married in a couple of years time. The problem is about two years ago I kissed my boss twice we never had sex but in my eyes I still cheated on my boyfriend. I was going through what I call a bad patch , my boyfriend was never around and my boss seemed to always be there for me, it was exciting. Any way I realised that I didn't want my boss and told him it's over between us I still loved my boyfriend and had no intention of leaving him. It was my fault I flirted with him and lead him on.

Anyway I told my boyfriend all about it and how sorry I was that I had cheated on him and told him the whole story, after a while he forgave me, he said that no realationship was perfect and from now on we should put it behind us and get on with our lives.

The problem is I can't forgive myself even after all this time my boss left over a year and a half ago I don't have any feelings for him, so why can't I forgive myself, when I look at my boyfreind I think of what I could of lost, I love him so much more then ever before. please help me, what's wrong with me how can I stop feeling like this?

Tornado Dream

Dear Tornado dream,

Forget the past, put it all behind you. So you had a slight phase, you should have talked your worries and problems through with your boyfriend and not your boss, as things seemed to get out of hand just a little.

Remember that in the future, anything that's worrying you should be tackled with your partner and nobody else, it's personal and should be kept with you and your partner. You've learnt through this experience, well you should have.

It seems that your boyfriend really cares for you, and is willing to forget the whole incidence, you should take his advice and attitude too, otherwise the guilt your feeling will eat at you, life's too short!!!

Get on with your relationship and make it work out, you obviously have a good chance to do that don't waste it!

All the best, and good luck for the future.

